Blue shark Prionace glauca
Size: HTL 280 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus
Size: HTL 230 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Greenlandshark Somniosus microcephalus
Size: HTL 550 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Great white shark Carcharodon carcharias
Size: HTL 550 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Manta ray Mobula alfredi
Size: HTL 360 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Manta ray, underside Mobula alfredi
Individual ray named "Alex" living in the Great Barrier Reef
Size: HTL 360 Material: Cotton, sewed, painted
Based on a photograph courtesy of 'Project Manta'